Sunday, October 31, 2010

Where Does the Mouse Have Marvel Movies Going? By Tom Corless

New Rochelle, NY -- Since Marvel was purchased by the Walt Disney Co. in 2009, the questions about the future of the movie franchises have been asked. What would happen to the existing deals with Fox, Paramount, and Sony? Disney stated nothing would be done and the movie deals would be honored as originally intended. Over the last year, things have changed quite a bit. Paramount distributed the first Marvel film following the purchase, "Iron Man 2". Just a few weeks later, Paramount sold the distribution rights to Disney for not only the sequel, "Iron Man 3", but also the highly anticipated "Avengers" film. "Iron Man 3" and "The Avengers" will now be produced by the Disney-owned Marvel Studios and distributed and marketed by Disney. It would seem that Disney no longer wishes to wait for the existing film deals to expire, but would rather buy them and make the profits from their huge purchase as soon as possible. However, Sony doesn't appear to be giving up anytime soon.

Sony recently announced that they will began a brand-new Spiderman film series, breaking away from the series starring Toby Maquire that started only eight years ago in 2002. Many were shocked when the 4th installment of the already popular series was canned just a few weeks after the Disney purchase. Fans of the series are a bit up-in-arms about the "webbed-crusader" being rebooted so quickly, fearing that Sony is rushing to make another series of Spiderman films before their contract expires later this decade. The fear is Sony will not worry about the quality of the films but rather the quantity so they can cash-in before the original deal expires. Casting for the re-launching Spiderman film has begun, with the role of Peter Parker (AKA Spiderman) to be played by British Actor Andrew Garfield. Popular young actress Emma Stone is also signed up for the project.

Lost in this shuffle is 20th Century Fox, who still has an existing deal to produce more movies based on the X-Men franchise. They have already announced that there are three more films in the works before their contract expires: "X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2", "Deadpool", and "X-Men 4". These projects have not been discussed publicly for a while, so there is a distinct possibility that Disney is working on a buy-out deal similar to the one just struck with Paramount.

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