Monday, November 22, 2010

Man Doesn't Sleep for over a Month!!!

Think about what you did from the days of September 15th to October 25th. Now think of doing all of that, without sleep. 28-year old Tyler Shields of California did this in attempts to break the world record for going the most nights without sleep according to Ben Muessig of AOL News.

This stunt is apparently so dangerous that the Guiness Book of World Records wants no part in it. According to Sheilds around day 27 he reached a fever of 105, and sat in a tub of ice until it subsided. A few days later he reportedly lost feeling in his legs, and around the 34th day had to urinate every 10 minutes.

Dr. Michael Breus, a psychologist of sleep disorders, told AOL News that Tyler's attempt is "highley dangerous and unhealthy. The doctor also status that people who experience periods of deprived sleep may experience paranoia, hallucinations, and variuos other symptoms.

The young photographer from Los Angeles is also a life-long insomniac according to KTLA News.

Shields supposedly receives 1 night of sleep for every 10 days he's awake on a regular basis. "As the years have gone on and I have to do more work and I have to do more things it's just become less and less need for sleep." Sheilds states to KTLA.

Jen Doll of the Village Voice witnessed Tyler's progression into supposed madness via blog. Doll states Shield got creepily reflective and then seemed to have lost it judging by one of his posts saying "I had the bright idea that I would get in a bed and have some friends set me on fire and that is exactly what happened!"

If you or someone you know is suffering from a sleep disorder go to seek help.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Naked Truth: The Image of our Safety

Camera shy or people’s healthat risk? Full-body scanners are causing controversy with pilots and travelers in airports for demanding the naked truth to insure safety.

New Rochelle, NY – Pilots and travelers have been speaking out about the growing number of security systems put inside airports in the recent months. Most recently these scanners have been introduced to John F. Kennedy International Airport to better help security officials detect weapons and explosives.

The new full-body scanners are a part of Advanced Imaging Technology that give off x-ray like images to security officials conducting the screening. The picture images that show up in the screen show everything on a person’s body even underneath their clothing. On a more advanced level plastic objects can also be detected as well as other object hidden within a person’s body.

With the hype about the safety of pilots along with travelers it is almost inevitable for people to question health risks from the radiation waves from the scanners. Last week the FDA (Food and Drug Administrative) approved of the x-ray scanners saying that they have “miniscule” potential health risks. The FDA also included in a letter to John P. Holden, President Obama's science and technology advisor, “concern that the dose to the skin may be dangerously high is not supported.”

David Brenner, director of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University and a professor of radiation biophysics, also told CNN, “If you think of the entire population of, shall we say a billion people per year going through these scanners; it's very likely that some number of those will develop cancer from the radiation from these scanners.”

The argument that has been going back and worth to various researchers, doctors and Politian’s is almost at the point of a stand-still. To those that are actually experiencing this security process, they not kept quiet to say the least. Protests have been occurring more often especially to those who are asked to be exposed to this type of radiation on a day to day basis, pilots. The concerning uproar from pilots hasn’t been easy after the FDA’s letter was sent to Washington D.C. and opened up to the public eye, many pilots questioned the statistics received from different sources and pilots don’t know who to believe or turn to. The U.S. Airline Pilots Association recently spoke out about the issue.

“Based on currently available medical information, has determined that frequent exposure to TSA-operated scanner devices may subject pilots to significant health risks," Capt. Mike Cleary, president of the USAPA stated.

Officials say they are taking the pilots into extreme consideration with other options to offer pending further agreement from U.S. officials and the Transportation Security Administration.

There are currently 385 scanners installed across 68 airports in the U.S.

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Learn more about how Full-body scanners work

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Drug/Bad Drug

An alarming trend is has been seen on college campuses nationwide. Students are turning to Adderall, a central nervous system stimulant, as their drug of choice to gain an edge in their academic performance.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this drug is typically prescribed by a doctor to people suffering from ADHD, or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. However, students are abusing this drug mainly to help them pull all-nighters and increase their focus while they study.

An estimated 1 out of 5 students has abused this drug, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For those who actually require this drug, it increases alertness, raises libido, improves mood, and stems fatigue. However, when those who do not have ADD or ADHD, Adderall, like other powerful amphetamines causes euphoria which increases the risk of addiction.

But you don’t have to have a medical condition to obtain this “study drug” as it is sometimes referred to as. According to Fallon Shultz, a licensed clinical social worker and addiction specialist in Hoboken, New Jersey, "Doctors prescribe too easily, colleges don't take misbehavior seriously, parents are in denial and young adults need to be better educated.” She also says that college kids can “fool” doctors because they can find symptoms of ADHD on the Internet.

Another way that students are obtaining this drug is simply buying it from other students. According to, students say that Adderall is “easy” to get and one pill usually sells for about $5 but the price can go all the way up to $25 per pill during midterm and finals weeks.

Although Adderall sounds like a miracle drug, it does have its consequences. A 2009 report in Scientific American suggests that despite the short-term benefits of the drug, long-term use could change brain function enough to depress mood and boost anxiety. It can also lead to increased dopamine levels, higher rates of aggression, psychosis, and suicide. In addition it can also trigger bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.

Kyle Craig, a student at Vanderbilt University took his own life in April of 2009 after he developed psychosis from abusing this drug.

This little pill can wreak major havoc if abused. Students may need to cut this ingredient from their recipe for academic success.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bush under the microscope as he expresses his regrets

By: Timothy Vallely

New Rochelle--Matt Lauer, NBC’s host of the Today Show interviewed George W. Bush in his first sit down conversation since leaving the Oval Office. President Bush talks about his memoir and the struggles that he endured during his eight-year term.

In his first one-on-one interview after leaving the White House, President George W. Bush expressed many regrets that he developed after leaving office. One can infer that Bush faced more difficult issues and tragedies than any other president. Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 were the two tragedies that Bush focused on during his interview with Lauer. Unfortunately for President Bush, his reputation as the leader of the nation took a hit after how he handled both situations.

On May 1, 2003, Bush stood at the podium on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier and made a speech that most Americans will never forget. He declared that America’s mission was accomplished and combat in Iraq had ended. Bush states in his memoir that he was caught up in an “exhilarating moment”, after Saddam Hussein was captured and his enormous statue in Iraq was brought down.

Lauer and Bush also discussed what triggered Bush’s premature celebration to the nation. Bush stayed away from the deep controversy of the WMD (weapons of mass destruction), but did comment on the subject. In his memoir he states, “No one was more shocked or angry than I was when we didn’t find the weapons. I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do.” Lauer tried to dig deeper into the president’s statement when he asked, “Was there ever any consideration of apologizing to the American People?”

Bush answered how any president would have if they were in his position during the nations worst attack on American soil, with confidence. He stated that he wasn’t sorry because the threat was at an all-time high and he thought he made the right decision.

Hurricane Katrina and the issues surrounding rescue and clean up was another damper on Bush’s legacy. Many Americans blamed Bush for his lack of effort and response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The African American population was outraged at Bush following the disaster, which brought the president much regret.

The infamous photo of Bush looking out the window of Air Force One at the region damaged and covered in water was a topic Lauer decided to cover. Bush expressed his remorse and admitted that a fly over done in Air Force One was not the right thing to do. Bush explained the situation in two words, “detached and uncaring.”

Bush also discussed other personal events that he had encountered in his life before his presidency. He informed the nation about his prior drinking problem and the miscarriage of his unborn sibling. These personal issues did not relate to Bush as a president, but did give a sense that the so-called golden boy from Texas did experience adversity in his life.

Americans have the right to judge and make comments on George W. Bush. After Bush declared war and invaded Afghanistan in 2001, there has not been an attack on American soil. He stood his ground at a time where the nation was in panic and did the only thing he could do, counter. Unfortunately many American soldiers lost their lives in preventing the reoccurrence of terrorism. President Bush is a human being and made mistakes. History will tell how severe his mistakes were and also how America benefitted from his duties in office.

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Bush on Oprah 11/9/2010

A Real Iron Man

By: Alexander M. Bishop
New Rochelle, NY-

Critically acclaimed actor, Robert Downey Jr., is a superhero in his own way through conquering battles of drug addiction and drug arrests. He has stayed clean for the last five years.

Robert Downey Sr. gave his son drugs starting at the age of 8. From that point on, Robert Downey Jr. has been through drug infested crimes and ordeals throughout his career as a successful actor.

Robert Downey Jr. stated in a recent Rolling Stone Magazine interview: ”Smoking dope and smoking coke, you are rendered defenseless. The only way out of that hopeless state is intervention.”

Indeed, Mr. Downey has overcome a part of his life that many can never overcome. He admits of being an alcoholic, enduring years of snorting cocaine, smoking crack and getting involved with heroin. He even had his first taste of marijuana at the tender age of 6.

His drug use was not the only handicap that was preventing his career to propel. The academy award nominee for his role as Charlie Chaplin, was arrested several times between the years of 1996 and 2001. Along with jail sentences, he was in and out of rehab numerous times. Due to his consistent drug related problems, producers and directors wouldn’t allow roles to be filled by RDJ because of the fear he wouldn’t be completely “focused.”

However, since leaving rehab in 2002, Robert Downey Jr. has been considered one of the best comebacks in entertainment history.

During his rehabilitation weeks, RDJ went to therapy sessions and took part in group recreation. It has been a long road back but family and friends have helped believe in what Robert Downey Jr's recovery.

Mary Jo Slater, a casting director and the mother of famous actor Christian Slater, has said: "When he gets that smile, and we look at each other, I know he's back inside there. Robert wants to get better...I think people will root for him because of his talent."

Indeed people have rooted RDJ to victory and he has proven himself through his recent accomplishments in the motion picture industry. In the first years of a sober lifestyle, Robert Downey Jr. has won critics over with his lead acting roles. The most recent movie Due Date has been dubbed one of the funniest movies of the year. Along with Due Date, Robert Downey Jr. has gotten positive results with Tropic Thunder, The Soloist, Iron Man 1 &2 and Sherlock Holmes.

There is no speculation about Robert Downey Jr.'s sober lifestyle returning to drugs and certainly no future of his acting career.

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Artifacts from the Attacks

By Krista Knoblauch

New Rochelle, NY - For the many who remember the attacks of September 11th 2001, the massiveness of what happened still may not be a reality for them. At Hangar 17 in John F. Kennedy airport they are given the opportunity to take a closer look into the smaller remains of an enormous atrocity.

Remains that were taken from the World Trade Center site, during the cleanup of Ground Zero, were brought to Hanger 17. As one walks through this museum of twisted steel and crumpled fire trucks there is a greater sense gained of what happened on that Tuesday morning.

There is uniqueness about this site, which is that eventually all of the steel will be donated to cities around the world. Beyond the steel one would find on this site, bike racks with the bikes and chains still on them, the crushed fire truck of the first responders, and many more items captured in the moment of the attacks that have never been changed.

For now it has been open to a few media and, its primary purpose is to hold the evidence of an attack on America. It is made up of over 1,300 pieces and in total weighs over 30 tons. In the near future it will be open for public viewing according to FOX News.

Shepard Smith of FOX News while doing a series on the aftermath of the attacks, called the “Rise of Freedom” did a report on this story. He describes this place as a “time capsule” of September 11th 2001.

There is one artifact that holds a lot of symbolism which is a large piece of steel twisted like a strand of DNA. This item which weighed tons and was the support of an entire building is swirled into something so twisted it could no longer be used.

In order to obtain a piece of the World Trade Center a town or person has to fill out a detailed piece of paper that states exactly where it will be displayed and further details about the use of it, and why they should have the honor of holding a piece.

In Pennsylvania there is an American Legion site, which is now home to a 15 foot piece of steel. Todd Nelson, the local commander of the Sons of the American Legion stated in an interview, "That's a hallowed piece of us, our community and to our country that is the most valuable steel you will ever get your hands on… "it's one of the main columns that supported the twin towers."

They started building this memorial site years ago what they applied to get the piece from Hangar 17. When they found out they were getting it they organized at seven mile long motorcycle motorcade from New York to Pennsylvania to escort the piece of steel properly.

Further your Knowledge:

“Rise of Freedom”

On To The Next One: Party Leaders and Media Already Turning Attention to 2012

By Michael O’Connor

New Rochelle, NY - The United States lives in a constant state of election season. Virtually moments after the results of the 2010 midterm elections were announced, attention and speculation turned to the 2012 presidential election. With the success yet division of the Republican Party, who will they nominate to run against incumbent Barack Obama? And that's assuming he runs again, and assumptions are dangerous, particularly in politics.

At this point, much of what is being said about the 2012 presidential election is speculation, and it will remain that way for some time. Insiders say that nominees will announce their candidacy later than ever before, so they can avoid the media questioning and attacking and quietly raise money for their campaigns.

While the list of possible Republican candidates is wide open (there are at least 20 individuals who have been discussed), there are about five that have captured the most amount of media attention and speculation. And many of them are familiar faces from the 2008 presidential election.

• According to a New York Times article, Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and is seen as one of the strongest candidates, is quietly courting top-shelf contributors and trying to keep his old team together.

• Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, who also ran in the 2008 presidential election, is believed to be a likely candidate. He appeals to Christians and social conservatives. He won the caucuses in Iowa in 2008 and is planning on returning there soon for appearances and speeches.

• Former New York governor George Pataki has openly admitted that he is considering running. He has visited early-voting states and said in an interview that he was waiting to see who else was running, though he added that he was watching the field with an eye on whether he could support any of the other potential contenders for the nomination. “I don’t have any time frame,” Pataki said. “I’m looking at those others who have expressed an interest and who may or may not become more active, and I suspect I will be talking to them and seeing what their ideas are.”

Other names being floated around as possible candidates for the Republican nomination are:
• former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
• Senator John Thune of South Dakota
• Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota
• Governor Hayley Barbour of Minnesota
• Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana
• Former governor of Florida Jeb Bush

But no discussion of the 2012 presidential election would be complete without the ever-so-polarizing Sarah Palin. She has been seen as a possible candidate since John McCain’s loss in the 2008 presidential election. She serves as the biggest question mark for the Republican candidacy. She has hinted at the idea of running many times, and insiders say she is leaning towards a run. But she is no longer an active politician; she has become more of an activist, speaker, media figure, and the face of the Tea Party movement.

And these qualities about her raise questions that began to be asked in this year’s midterm elections. Would it be better or worse for the Republican Party to nominate a Tea Party candidate?

They have strong, ardent supporters, but there are questions as to whether or not their base is wide enough. Some Democrats have even gone so far as to say they hope Palin runs because it would mean an easy win for Obama.

Palin will continue to remain mum, in the months and possibly even year ahead. She has a strong fundraising ability so even with a late announcement campaign funds would likely not be an issue. And as a paid contributor to Fox News, like Huckabee, she will not want to have to give up her paycheck from them any earlier than she needs to.

Not to be outdone, the Democrats are not forgotten. While most of the attention has focused on the Republican Party, since they are the challengers, the Democratic Party has not escaped media speculation about the 2012 presidential election. While it is virtually a given that Barack Obama will run for re-election, a article suggested that Obama may switch the jobs of Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton and choose Clinton as his running mate.

The article says that his reasoning would be to win back the favor of middle-class independent voters. But others have argued that both Biden and Clinton are doing good jobs where they are and that ditching his original running mate could be seen as a sign of disloyalty and desperation.

While a good deal attention has already been paid to the 2012 presidential election, it will only increase as it gets closer and closer. All Americans can do is let the cards fall where they may and wait for speculation to turn into reality.

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Who's Next


An Epic Bedtime Battle is Being Waged by Late Night Warriors

By Tom Corless

New Rochelle, NY --- With the debut of "Conan" last week on TBS, the late night wars have officially moved to an entire new battlefield: cable television. This is not to say that late night talk shows have not existed on cable before Conan O'Brien unleashed his world-renowned orange hair on the basic cable world. The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and many others have paved the way for the former broadcast star and his cast of lovable misfit characters in non-broadcast television. "Conan" even pushed back an existing cable late night talk show, "Lopez Tonight", to take its 11PM time slot. So if "Conan" is not the first late night talk show to move beyond CBS, NBC, and the other network television giants, why does this change everything? Because cable has never been so close in the competition.

The premiere episode of "Conan" on November 8th defeated both "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and "The Late Show with David Letterman", the two longest standing and most revered late night shows television has to offer. "Conan" did not defeat either of the pair for the reminder of the week, but for a brand new talk show on cable television to even be in close competition with CBS and NBC is unheard of. TBS and O' Brien will gladly take the overall third place while continuing to lead in the key 18-49 year old men demographic that equals big advertising bucks for the all comedy network and Team Coco.

Meanwhile, things are not looking so exciting for "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report", both of which lost droves of viewers to "Conan" last week. It would seem that TBS is stealing more viewers from Comedy Central than NBC and CBS combined. Both programs lost over a half million viewers during the premiere week of "Conan". With this kind of drastic change is only a week's time, it wouldn't be a stretch to think that this late night power shift may have some eliminations from cable long before anyone on network television raises the white flag in defeat.

While it may be too early to declare winners and losers in this late night battle, the first week of "Conan" can be considered a television-changing event. Cable television has broken the barriers of the past and has time and time again proven it is just as powerful as network TV. On thing is for sure; as the late night wars rage on, the viewers will be the biggest winners. Never before has there been so many choices in late night entertainment, so put on your pajamas, pick a channel, and enjoy the show.

Expand Your Knowledge
-First Week Ratings for "Conan"
-The Story of the Tonight Show
-"Conan" First Week Ratings Drop is Nothing to Fear
-Conan's Audience Young and Plentiful

Friday, November 12, 2010

Where 3-D goes nobody knows

By Phil Vecchione

Imagine sitting on the couch with the family as the minions from "Despicable Me" jump off the screen. The figures appear to be so tangible; that your children try to reach out and grab them.

With the development of 3-D television and video games you can enjoy the wonder of 3-D imagery right in your living room.

Persistence is a strong quality of 3-D technology. The seemingly prehistoric 3-D technology continues to avoid extinction. New technological innovations are helping to sustain the 3-D life force.

3-D televisions had a standard cost of as low as $3,000 when they came out early this year. Overtime, like any piece of technology, they have decreased in price. Samsung is currently selling 22 different 3-D TV models on The most expensive model comes from Samsungs' Magnolia series.

The massive 55'' 3-D LED-LCD HDTV costs $6,000. Best Buy slashed the price of the 3-D behemoth by $2,000. Consumers must keep in mind that glasses are sold separately.

3-D glasses can cost anywhere from $100 to $250 per pair. Best Buy currently has a great deal. 3-D TV enthusiasts can get a 50'' Samsung 3-D plasma HDTV with two free pairs of glasses. The deal is marked at $969.99.

The 3-D glasses are not interchangeable amongst different brands. This is the reason they are named "active" glasses. The glasses are only activated by their specific manufacturer's TV. Samsung glasses cannot be activated by a Philips brand TV.

Televisions without 3-D glasses are being developed. Toshiba currently has two working models that do not require glasses. The problem is the LCD flat-panel screen only comes in 20'' and 12'' sets.

"It will take several years to develop larger 3-D TVs without glasses with screen sizes of 40 inches and more at a yet reasonable price point," said Toshiba European marketing chief Sascha Lange on

The two glassless TVs are set to release at the end of the year in Japan. The cost for the 20'' will be around $2,900; the 12'' will go for $1,400.

A large contribution to the future of 3-D television relies on TV networks. Networks have to convert their filming and broadcast to 3-D. Therefore network studios must be equipped with 3-D cameras. The process works similarly to the filming of 3-D movies.

One drawback is the amount of content you can actually get from 3-D television. Many networks have not made the necessary adjustment. ESPN is on network that has openly embraced the 3-D conversion.

ESPN launched the first 3-D TV network back on June 11, opening up their first broadcast with a World Cup Soccer match. ESPN became the first all 3-D network. The network plans to run 85
live 3-D sporting events in it's first year.

CNBC sports business reporter, Darren Rovell, feels that 3-D TVs still do not offer enough incentive to sports fans for the price. He breaks down the mind set of the sports fans in his Sports Biz segment on

"Many sports fans thought that HD was worth the price upgrade. The picture, for the first time, looked so clear that you almost feel like you where there," Rovell said. "3-D feels like the players are in front of your face and I can see how some don't think it's an upgrade at all."

A second drawback is the strain 3-D TV can put on the viewer's eyes. Samsung has posted a disclaimer on their website that states watching 3-D TV for long periods of time can put a strain on the eyes. Even symptoms such as dizziness can occur. This will also not bode well for sports fans.

"Wearing glasses at the movie theatre twice a year is cool, but wearing it to watch a three and a half hour game?" Rovell said on

A 24/7 3-D TV network is being developed by Discovery Communications, Sony and IMAX. The network is expected to launch in 2011. A name has yet to be finalized.

Sony is also working on the next wave of 3-D video games. Sony was the first company to invest in 3-D video game technology. Over the summer Nintendo joined the mix as they unveiled their 3-D gaming technology at the annual E3 video game convention.

Nintendo plans to release the 3DS around the holiday season. The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that utilizes 3-D imagery without glasses. Company President Satoru Iwata wanted to release a device that had no need for a 3-D TV.

"As soon as we launch this 3-D device, everybody will be able to enjoy it," Satoru said on

While the innovation is great for big companies like Sony and Nintendo, smaller publishers feel it will hurt their business. The cost to make 3-D games will make things difficult in an already tough economic struggle.

"I'm a little bit cautious because I'm skeptical it's going to really transform our business," said Strauss Zelnick Chairman of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. on

3-D advancement has moved far beyond the movie theatre. Where this technology goes depends on the consumer and their willingness to work out a few kinks. Family's will have to be patient, but in the mean time sit back, relax and let Cristiano Ronaldo kick a soccer ball into your living room.

Expand Your knowledge

Samsung 3-D safety disclaimer
Sports Biz with Darren Rovell
More on 3-D video games
Check Prices at Best Buy

9/11 settlement extended

9/11 settlement extended
by Lauren Urban

New Rochelle, NY - The legal battle that started in 2003 will drag on for an additional eight days.

The deadline for thousands of September 11th first responders to accept a $712 million settlement with New York City over supposed illnesses contracted from toxic exposure at ground zero has been extended from November 8 to the 16.

The settlement requires that 95 percent of the approximately 10,000 plaintiffs, including emergency workers, firefighters and police officers, sign on.

According to CNN, as of Saturday, November 6, 92 percent of plaintiffs agreed to participate, said plaintiff attorney Paul Napoli.

"I'm very optimistic there will be a deal, and it will be done," Napoli stated, according to CNN.

The request for the extension was made by lawyers for the plaintiffs in an appeal to the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company, which will pay individual settlement amounts out of a federally financed fund, according to The New York Times.

The extension was approved by the judge overseeing the litigation, Alvin K. Hellerstein of Federal District Court. "The huge influx of plaintiffs opting into the settlement continues to tax the capacity to process" the plaintiffs' documents, he said, according to The New York Times.

The settlement caps attorney fees to 25 percent of the total. Plaintiff lawyers have already pocketed over $150 million for themselves, while defense lawyers for the city of New York have pocketed $200 million, according to John Stossel of FOX Business and FOX News.

According to the New York Daily News, the settlement determines the amount of payouts for workers based on the extent of their illness, how much time they spent at ground zero and their medical history.

Qualifying plaintiffs will be enrolled in a special MetLife insurance policy that will pay up to $100,000 for certain blood and respiratory cancers diagnosed during the coverage period, according to CNN. Anyone claiming severe respiratory issues contracted within seven months of exposure at ground zero or surrounding sites may receive $800,000 to $1.05 million. Claims of death linked to September 11th toxins could result in compensation of $1.5 million.

However, plaintiffs don't need to have a qualifying injury to receive a payout. Those who filed a legal claim in the fear that they will become sick in the future can receive $3,250.

Additionally, those who join in on the settlement are still eligible for the James Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill. This $7.4 billion bill aims to provide free medical coverage for responders who were exposed to toxins, according to CNN. In September, the House passed the bill in a 268-160 vote, but it has yet to pass the Senate.

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Health Settlement

Health compensation

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Say Goodbye to the Happy Meal

By: Travis Chan
New Rochelle, NY- Goodbye Beanie Babies, Barbie and Hot Wheels and say hello to apple slices. Starting in December 2011, McDonald’s infamous Happy Meal will undergo a drastic change. Earlier this month, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to stop toy giveaways that are included with unhealthy meals in an effort to fight childhood obesity.
A Happy Meal that contains an excessive amount of calories, sodium or fat will not include a toy, unless it contains a serving of fruit or vegetables. The ordinance will apply to all restaurants, not just McDonald’s. Supervisor Eric Mar who promoted the campaign said, "We're part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice. From San Francisco to New York City, the epidemic of childhood obesity in this country is making our kids sick, particularly kids from low income neighborhoods, at an alarming rate. It's a survival issue and a day-to-day issue."

The law is expected to take effect at the end of next year. Restaurants may include a toy with a meal if the food and drink combined contain fewer than 600 calories, and if the fat content is less than 35% of the total calories. The average Happy Meal contains 550 calories.
McDonald’s argues that the law is a threat to business and that it denies parents the right to choose what they can eat. McDonald’s spokeswoman Danya Proud expressed her frustration, “We are extremely disappointed with today's decision. It's not what our customers want, nor is it something they asked for. Public opinion continues to be overwhelmingly against this misguided legislation. Parents tell us it's their right and responsibility -- not the government's -- to make their own decisions and to choose what's right for their children."

The Happy Meal plays a major role in the food chain’s business. According to the most recent data (2006) gathered by a U.S. Federal Trade Commission report, fast-food industries like McDonald’s spent more than $520 million on toys and advertising to promote meals for children.
San Francisco is not the first California city to put food restrictions in place. Santa Clara County imposed a similar measure in April. Other cities across the country are starting to follow suit. New York City for example, is considering banning food stamp users from purchasing soda with the food benefits.
Time will tell if these restrictions will actually prove effective in improving children’s health and eating habits. Whose side are you on? Should parents have the freedom to feed their child whatever they choose, or can these new guidelines improve the health of our country?

Expand Ur Knowledge

The Talk- McDonald's Happy Meal Ban

Amount of calories a child needs per day


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

loco 4 loko

Brian Brabazon

New Rochelle, NY-- Four Loko dubbed by some as "blackout in a can", has found its way on to college campuses all around the country. And is being blamed for crazy college parties resulting in dozens of underage drinkers being hauled off to the emergency room as a result of the drink. If the effects are so obvious then why go through all of the trouble to get this high energy/ alcoholic drink? Some say that because of it's low cost, in most states cans can be sold for approximately $2.50, other states have sold the drink for $1.99. Others believe the drink has become such a popular commodity amongst college students because of the effects that ensue after drinking a Four Loko.

One college student, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed "the drink gives you energy, and prevents you from crashing, while at the same time still providing you with the same inebriating effects of alcohol." Phusion Products, the company who makes and distributes Four Loko recently came out with a statement saying "people have safely combined caffeine and alcohol for years in the form of rum and colas, Red Bull and vodkas and Irish coffees."

Nine students were hospitalized at Central Washington University on October 8th due to the effects of the drink. Therefore prompting the college to ban the drink on campus. Other Universities have followed as well, such as Rampo College in New Jersey, and the University of Rhode Island.

In large part, these beverages are a combination of very strong stimulants with alcohol as somebody drinks them; the effects of the alcohol get masked. Students, therefore, can over consume and go beyond their limit and not realize it. One source, a senior at Iona College said "If you understand your own limits, Four Loko is no different than any other alcohol."

As a result of recent incidents with 4 loko, also with senator Chuck Schumer heading a campiagn to ban 4 loko. All shipments to New York State will not go past November 19th, with the final date to sell 4 lokos December 10th 2010. It will be interesting to see what new drinks appear on the market as a result of this. Will kids just find a new brand of a high energy/ alcoholic drink to substitute for 4 loko? We will find out.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Major League Baseball

A Deadly Bite

By: Brian Killen
New Rochelle, N.Y.

Lucas Ransom, 19, was killed by a shark last week while body boarding on a Santa Barbara beach, CA.

On October 22, Lucas Ransom and his college roommate, Matt Garcia, were surfing 100 yards outside of the Vandenberg Air Force Base when the shark attacked occurred. Garcia reported to police officers that Ransom was swimmy on his body board when he was pulled under by the shark. He continued to tell police that he saw the color change in the water from blue to red and his board popped up out of the water with a 13 inch bite taken out of it.

"When the shark hit him, he just said, 'Help me, dude!' He knew what was going on," Garcia explained to the press. "It was really fast. You just saw a red wave and this water is blue – as blue as it could ever be – and it was just red, the whole wave."
As the waves continued to break Garcia had a hard time finding his friend who was only 2 feet away from him before the attack occurred. Once he found him he swam him to the shore. Lucas had a severe bite mark on his left leg and was pronounced dead on the shore from large amounts of blood lose. The University of California, Santa Barbara, where the junior was a full-time student, had a severe wound to his left leg and died a short time later at Surf Beach, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department said in a statement.

The body board was brought to Federal and state Fish and Game officials where they identified it as a Great White Shark. They were able to discover the shark’s identity due to several teeth fragments which were stuck into the body board. Carrie Wilson, Fish and Game Marine Biologist, stated the shark was estimated 16 to 18 feet and over 4,000 pounds. Also the aggressive shape of the bite gave credit to the Great White Shark’s reputation for being the “Ultimate Predator.”
Wilson also stated, “More people are in the water up and down the coast and we know the sharks are out there looking for food.” “Every once in a blue moon we have these things occur. When you look at the number of people in the water, (the number of attacks is) pretty small. The shark wasn't doing anything sharks don't do. It was just looking for prey.”

Although this doesn’t happen as often as people think, there have been 95 shark attacks on humans on the coast of California in the last 50 years. The last shark on Surf Beach prior to Lucas was in 2008 when a surfer’s board was almost bit in half by a Great White. The surfer was not harmed.
The Great White Shark is known to swim up and down warm water coastlines in search of prey which consists of sea lions and seals. Surfers and body boarders are often confused to be these animals hence the reason shark attacks are becoming a major problem to the water sports.

Surfers and body boarders have to enter the water with caution whenever surfing the waves in California. Ransom’s father stated in an email to friends and family thanking them for their condolences, “He lived real well and he died real well. He was in the water for about 45 minutes before the shark got him and his buddy told us he was getting the rides of his young life, on a day with big swells.”
State officials closed the beach for three days after the deadly attack. No sharks have been seen since the morning of October 22, 2010.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Investigation regarding fatal police shooting of Pace football player to take months

Danroy Henry, 20, was shot and killed my police.

by Lauren Urban
NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. Pace University students were left dumbfounded when a member of their school’s football team was fatally shot by police. Weeks later, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the incident.
Police arrived outside of a Thornwood, New York bar in response to a disturbance on October 17. The football player, Danroy “D.J.” Henry, and his friend Brandon Cox were sitting in a parked car in a fire lane.
A police officer reportedly knocked on Henry’s car window, causing him to speed away. A second officer was thrown onto the roof of the car after trying to stop the vehicle. The officer clinging to the hood, along with another officer, then fired shots at Henry.
The car came to a stop after hitting a police car, and the college junior was pronounced dead at the scene. Cox received a minor gunshot wound.
Henry’s family was left thunderstruck at his death. “Not only are we experiencing this great loss, but we absolutely can't understand how this could happen to our son," Henry's father told ABC Eyewitness News. "He just played a great game. His coach called him today a man of high moral character. His teammates all loved him,” he continued.
According to The Associated Press, Michael Sussman, an attorney for the athlete’s family, argues that the police officer was not in harm’s way when he fired at Henry. He said, after hiring a ballistics expert, it was determined that the same officer fired at least three shots, one into the hood and two into the windshield.
"The first shot was fired by an individual who was not in harm's way, who was not in the path of the vehicle, who was off to the side," Sussman said, according to The Associated Press.
However, Henry’s autopsy adds a new twist to the story. According to a police official’s account to The Associated Press, the autopsy revealed that Henry was driving drunk when he was shot to death.
His blood-alcohol level was determined to be 0.13, compared to New York’s legal limit of 0.08.
In response to this information, Henry’s father said, "If it's a part of the truth, so be it. But at the end of the day, the central question to us is, does that justify killing our son? ... We still fundamentally believe it isn't,” according to CBS News.
Sussman added, "Probably several million college students have levels of 0.13 on Saturday night and early Sunday morning. It had nothing to do with police approaching him."

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Interview with Henry's father
News Report

Miners: Life After Emergence

by KrisTina Antosik

On October 13th 2010, 33 Chilean minors were rescued after being trapped underground for over 2 months. According to, medical experts state that the men ranging from the ages of 19 to 33, will experience a series of health complications.

According to ABC News, Dr. Schachter who is a medical director at Mt. Sinai in NYC, expects respiratory infections. Dr. Schachter is the director of respiratory care department. Such infections would due to the poor air quality in the mine.

Another concern is apparently fungal risks according to ABC News. Conditions such as "athlete's foot" and "jock itch" can potentially be experienced by the minors. Although not life-threatening such conditions are known to be extremely uncomfortable while taking months to disappear.

There's been a lot of speculation concerning the minors' eyes. Many worried that light exposure after months of darkness could result in retina damage. Yet, according to Ivan Schwab a professor of opthalmology in University of California Davis School of Medicine, their eyes should adapt over time just fine.

The last physical medical concern is the minors' teeth. Some of the minors reportedly have developed gingivitis according to ABC news. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums.

Other than that, the minors seem to be doing well. Doctors state that they are looking at some unknowns considering it's the first time people have been rescued after being trapped for so long. However according to New York Daily News, the minors are doing much better then originally expected.

Edison Pena, 34, was 1 of the 33 trapped Chilean Miners. Pena is planning on running in the New York City Marathon on Sunday consisting of over 26 miles. According to USA Today, Pena stated that he would run 3 to 6 miles a day, in the darkness, while trapped underground for 69 days. Pena stated that before he was trapped he biked 2miles each way to work, which is why he was in such good shape. The other miners reportedly would yell "Beep Beep" as he ran by every day.

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Pena's Goal

cbs story

Ditch the Workout, Join the Party

New Rochelle, N.Y.-- Ditch the workout and join the party. This is just one of the slogans that are attracting people to fitness facilities nationwide for Zumba classes. This latest fitness craze is a Latin-inspired workout class that uses almost every muscle in your body as you shimmy and shake your way fit for about an hour each class.

Alberto Perez, a former aerobics instructor from Colombia founded Zumba in 1999. Realizing that he forgot his usual aerobics music at home one day, he improvised using his favorite Latin salsa and meringue tapes from his car and thus, Zumba was born. Zumba began as a workout DVD that was featured on informercials and eventually developed into actual classes being taught by instructors. These classes cover a range of different dance styles including mambo, cumbia, cha-cha, and meringue. Zumba instructors are taught specific guidelines but each instructor designs his/her classes using their own style. Today, there are over 20,000 certified instructors in 40 countries.

"I love Zumba because it's fun and it is the most effective workout that I've ever tried," says Gabrielle Farah, a certified Zumba instructor who teaches Zumba classes at Iona College. "What I love most about being an instructor is that I get to share my passion with others and help motivate them to maintain a healthy lifestyle."

That is what Zumba is all about. It is a fun and different way of working out and being active. You don't have to be an athlete or a dancer to benefit from Zumba. The choreography is simple yet fun and you can even modify some of the moves according to your own ability. Depending on your weight and how much effort you put in, you can realistically burn about 400-800 calories during an hour long class.

"It is clear that people enjoy Zumba by the feedback I get. I have a lot of "regulars" that come to my class twice a week. Each week people bring new friends so I get about 10 new students a week. I can tell people are having fun by their reactions. There is a lot of smiling and cheering when certain songs come on," says Farrah.

Zumba is so popular because people really find it fun. Instead of jogging on the treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike, you can forget that you're actually working out while you let loose and dance. It is a great way to break from your daily routine. When you enjoy working out, you are more likely to stick to exercising regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Zumba classes are being offered at many gyms across the country, so it's about time to ditch the workout and join the party!

Intimidation Leads Prep School Football Team to a Victory

By Timothy Vallely
New Rochelle, N.Y.

Intimidation Leads Prep School Football Team to a Victory

The Lawrence Academy football team prepared to rack up their second victory against St. Georges in as many years. But to Lawrence Academy’s surprise, they wouldn’t even have to play the game to get the division win.

St. George’s school has withdrawn from Friday’s game against the defending Independent School League Champions, Lawrence Academy due to health concerns. Lawrence Academy has been on top of the ISL for the second year in a row winning games easily and by large margins. The Spartans defeated St. George’s 48-15 last year and went undefeated blowing out every team that they faced. For the 2010 season, the Spartans have been ordered by school officials to keep the scoring down.

“I met with out headmaster and the decision was made not to play them,” said Athletic director and Head football coach at St. George’s. “As for the reasons why, you can draw your own conclusions.”

The vague statement by coach Mackay definitely turned heads around the ISL. Lawrence Academy is being looked at under a microscope by not only the entire league, but also within the program. The powerhouse football team is being criticized for allegedly running up scores and being too physical while doing so. Lawrence Academy’s Athletic Director Kathy Noble commented on allegations and criticism saying, “Our goal is to promote sportsmanship and that’s something everyone here wants.”

Another major factor that contributes to Lawrence Academy’s success and other teams complaining is the size of the players. The Spartans have three starting linemen who weight 300 pounds or more. Numerous coaches throughout the league have questioned the size and talent of the Lawrence Academy players.

“This is strictly a safety issue, said St. George’s headmaster Eric Peterson. “We are trying to keep our kids reasonably safe in a game that can be terribly exciting but has risks.”

Lawrence Academy will be credited with the victory but it’s unsure as to how the St. George’s record will be affected. Spartans coach Mike Taylor commented on the issue saying, “We’re disappointed because kids want to play. This is a St. George’s decision, not our decision.” The Spartans have come off back-to-back victories beating Thayer Academy 43-8 and Nobles & Greenough 38-7. Lawrence Academy will host Belmont Hill at home on November 5th. It will be interesting to see if teams will take on the powerful Spartans or if they will back down because of safety issues.

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School Link

Monday, November 1, 2010

The 2010 Midterm Elections: The Year of Controversies and Crazies

By Michael O'Connor
New Rochelle, NY - The 2010 midterm elections will finally take place tomorrow, and a look back at the eventful campaign season yields a multitude of candidates who were controversial, gaffe-prone, and wacky.
In Delaware, Tea Party-backed Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell surprisingly won the nomination and from then on caused a stir with her controversial statements and beliefs. Old videos from Bill Maher’s HBO show “Politically Incorrect” revealed that O’Donnell dabbled in witchcraft and doesn’t believe in masturbation or evolution.
In her debate against Democratic candidate Chris Coons, O’Donnell questioned and didn’t seem to understand that the principle of separation of church and state could be found in the First Amendment.

The New York gubernatorial race was host to a diverse group of people who normally would not have a place in politics. Kristin Davis, the madam of the prostitution ring that Eliot Spitzer was a client of, tried to run under the Libertarian party but did not garner the nomination. Jimmy McMillan ran under “The Rent is 2 Damn High” party. He did not receive much attention his party’s name is basically his own platform, until the televised debate caused his campaign to go viral.

Like O’Donnell, Republican and Tea-Party backed gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino has provided controversy after controversy since garnering his nomination. He sent out a racially insensitive and sexually explicit e-mail to friends that was leaked to the press. He threatened a reporter, was discovered to have a mistress and an illegitimate daughter, and repeatedly spoke out against homosexuality and gay marriage, even criticizing opponent Andrew Cuomo for bringing his children to a gay pride parade.
One of the closest and most closely watched Senate races is in Nevada. There, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid is fighting to keep his seat against opponent Sharon Angle. She has drawn criticism for her strict stance on illegal immigration, with some going so far as to say she is racist. She did not help matters when she spoke to the Hispanic club of a high school she was visiting and told them “I don’t know that all of you are Latino. Some of you look a little more Asian to me. I don’t know.”
The democratic gubernatorial candidate in Rhode Island, Frank Caprio, told President Obama that he could take his endorsement “and shove it” after he learned that Obama declined to endorse him. Rich Iott, a Tea Party candidate running for election in Ohio’s 9th congressional district, was discovered to be a WWII reenactment enthusiast who enjoyed dressing up in Nazi garb.
No one knows exactly why this campaign season has yielded more gaffes and controversies than ever before, but some sources point to the high level of anger and the inexperience of Tea Party candidates.
With the high stakes of the campaign and the residual anger about issues like unemployment and health care, some candidates simply may not be able to speak their minds in a healthy and professional manner. And some Tea Party candidates are unaccustomed to the pressure of political campaigns, so they are less polished and rougher around the edges.
It remains to be seen what affect these gaffes and controversies will have on the elections, but there will plenty of analysis in the days to come once results are in.
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Gaffes and Gotchas

New York Times Political Center

Costly 3-D movies may not be able to stand the test of time

By Phil Vecchione
New Rochelle, NY-3-D movies produce mixed reactions as the pros and cons are weighed. The evolution of 3-D movies has allowed viewers to be dazzled by vivid digital imagery, but has made their wallets an empty abyss.

The costs of 3-D movies may out weigh the benefits that these movies provide. The standard cost for a 3-D movie comes at a $4 premium, meaning you add $4 to any movies' general admission price.

At New Rochelle's local theater, Regal New Roc City 18 & IMAX, a 3-D movie ticket for an adult is $15.50; $12.50 for children. This summer a family of five would have spent $68.50 on "Toy Story 3" in Disney Digital 3-D.

Director Jon Favreau, who is the brain behind the anticipated film "Cowboys and Aliens," refused to use 3-D technology to film his movies. "So coming next year, 2-D, 'Cowboy and Aliens.' Take the money you save and see it twice," said Favreau on

Cost for theatres to invest in new 3-D projection are also high. Many of the independently owned theatres are debating if the investment is worth it.

The cost for a theatre to entirely digital is roughly $75,000, the price will increased by $30,000 with a full 3-D conversion. The conversion requires, 3-D lens for the digital projectors, the viewing glasses and silver screens.

Most independent theatres do not have the funding to install such pricey equipment, therefore they are being beaten out by national movie theatres. Some independent theatres like Visulite, in Staunton, Va., have benefited from full digital and 3-D conversion. The entire process cost theatre owner Adam Greenbuam $150,000. The switch improved Greenbaum's annual Spring season profit by 400 percent bringing in $72,000.
"I knew that in the near term it was the right thing to do for me personally, I didn't want to wait," said Greenbaum to "We have been in this position where every April we go off this cliff."

Mark O'Meara the owner of University Malls Theatre in Fairfax, said he would not invest well over $100,000 on digital and 3-D conversions.

3-D movies have trended before, their previous failures leave many questions in the minds' of investors. Spending such a high amount of money on this technology may be costly in the long run.

The first 3-D movie released in the U.S. was titled "The Power of Love," which was released back on September 27, 1922. 3-D movies have been around for a long period of time but have not had lasting power.

3-D boomed in the 1950s, but became obsolete for a long period of time due to cost inefficiency. Theatre goers did not want to pay for 3-D glasses, which eventually doubled in price due to double prints. Movies had to be printed twice for the right eye and left eye due to the lack of focus in early 3-D screens.
3-D movies once again reestablished popularity in the 1980s, but they never really gained solid ground. The history of 3-D movies is a timeline riddled with peeks and valleys and inconsistency.

Dropping the Knowledge

History of 3-D Movies

3-D movie Trend

ABC News

The blood that saves lives by Krista Knoblauch

New Rochelle, NY
Cord Blood, could it be the thing that one day saves your life? It is the strongest defense against diseases and moving toward recovery according to The benefits of it are that it rebuilds cells in damaged areas, and given that it is the donor’s blood, there are zero harmful effects or risks to using it.

Cord Blood is the blood that is left over in the umbilical cord. It is usually thrown out, but it contains stem cells that have the power to rebuild damaged cells and cure diseases. The stem cells can be used without harming the baby or person using them.

Thanks to a new cord blood kit, people can save their babies blood in a quick, cheap and easy fashion. Dr. Kurtsberg is the Chief investigator for this kit. She is a professor at Duke University where the studies are being done and where the kit was invented. The cord blood kit is the most valuable investment you can make in your child’s life.

Many people want to save their cord blood, but cannot afford to. What they can do now is donate it to a public facility that anyone can use. When they get sick they will have access to cord blood in return. The only negative of this process is that there is no guarantee that there will be a blood type match when you go to get it. Moreover you will not be getting your own blood sample back.

Its most recent test was done on children with Cerebral Palsy. Of all the patients tested majority of them made a full recovery. There is still more work to be done with the investigating and documenting of the results. So far the blood transplants with cord blood have cured diseases like Leukemias, Lymphomas and Other Blood Cancers.

There are many misconceptions when it comes to cord blood kits, because it is relatively new. Some of the most important to know are not true is that it is not being used in the medical field yet. This is false, it is being used and patients are having great success. Also that it is too expensive. There are payment plans families can go on for only forty-one dollars a month for 48 months. While this may seem like a lot it is the best investment you can make in your child’s life.

The kit is easy to use and will help restore a product, that up until now was used as medical waste. If a person is of a minority their samples are even more vital. “We simply need more. Cord blood cells are increasingly seen as a valuable resource, and we are seeing a pressing need for more cord blood donation, especially among Asian and African-American mothers and those with mixed ethnic backgrounds” says Dr. Kurtzberg of Duke University.

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Charlie Goes off the Deep End...... Again

New Rochelle, New York- The runaway train that is Charlie Sheen, only appears to be becoming more and more out of control, with cause for concern that any minute he could de-rail. A friend of Charlie Sheen, who claims to have known the actor, and highest paid U.S TV star over the past twenty years, said he "thinks that the actor is in serious trouble."
People close to Sheen have come foward, expressing their concerns for the actor. A source according to said " It's been a non-stop party for of drugs and hookers since Charlie got home. His handlers have no idea how to stop him. He is completley out of control. No one can get through to him." However, there is one person who feels that they can help out Charlie through this timoltuous time in his life. His father, Martin Sheen, who has gone through many of the same problems himself. Martin, therefore has staged an intervention to get his son into rehab. Martin who is a former alcoholic told the New York Post: "You have to seperate him from that environment, from the people that he's around."
All of this cause for concern stems from an incident earlier in the week when security was called to his New York City suite, where he became enraged after he could not find his $170,000 dollar watch or his wallet to pay porn star Christina Walsh her escort fee. Sheen reportedly became so enraged that he trashed the room looking for it. The post also reported " When one of his assistants opened the door, their was Charlie standing their naked with cocaine all over his face! He was dillusional and just completley lost. Totally out of it."
Charlie Sheen was released from the hospital Tuesday morning, after which, his people called the episode "an allergic reaction to medication." His manager has since released a statement that Charlie was doing fine and is happy to be back to work on the set of Two and a Half Men. We'll see what else is to come of this, whether or not Charlie Sheen will listen to his fathers advice and return to rehab.

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More on Charlie

A New Breed of Artists?

New Rochelle, N.Y- Technology has changed how artists around the world approach and perceive art. The animation industry is one field that has been greatly affected.

With the development of graphic design programs like Photoshop and ZBrush, artists are now dependent on technology than ever before. The idea of using pencil and paper is no longer a requirement.

Arden Chan, a lead design artist at Blue Sky Studios in Greenwich, Connecticut relies on Photoshop in creating the environment of each movie that he is assigned. Currently working on the upcoming film, Rio, he relies heavily on the program to complete his artwork. “Photoshop is very special because it allows me to change things easily. When I worked for Disney Animation, it was more traditional-based. We did not use Photoshop at all. There, we were required to have stronger draftsmanship qualities,” says Chan. Since Photoshop was used infrequently, artists needed to be experienced in hand-drawn animation and rely less on the help of technology.

Much like how Photoshop revolutionized painting and drawing, ZBrush has the same impact on sculpting. It allows artists to sculpt in virtual space which allows you to modify it easily and quickly. Sculpting clay figures may take weeks to complete, but with ZBrush, the process can now be done within days. Chan, who had conversations with Michael Defeo, a sculptor for more than 11 years, enjoys the old-fashioned way of sculpting but recognizes the advantages the program has to offer. Defeo said that sculpting can be a tedious process where changes would be very difficult and time consuming, but ZBrush can make quicker changes.

Some artists feel that the magic of completing a work of art has disappeared. Rob Cardone, a layout supervisor for Blue Sky says that “Having used Photoshop for several years, there have been added innovations each year, making the art design process even easier to complete. With the push of a button, unique images can be manipulated and the magical feeling of designing a scene, drawing or painting is gone.” Kevin Proctor, a former Disney Animator adds that the new technology “makes designing art more user-friendly and more approachable to people who do not have artistic talent. It has its pros and cons.”

Whether the public enjoys the charm and allure of hand-drawn art, or the sophisticated, beautiful render of CG art (computer generated), both styles of have their own unique appeal. Tomorrow, technology may bring something else to our eyes.

Expand Ur Knowledge

Behind the Scenes at Blue Sky Studios

Trailer of Rio

Introduction to ZBrush