Monday, November 1, 2010

Charlie Goes off the Deep End...... Again

New Rochelle, New York- The runaway train that is Charlie Sheen, only appears to be becoming more and more out of control, with cause for concern that any minute he could de-rail. A friend of Charlie Sheen, who claims to have known the actor, and highest paid U.S TV star over the past twenty years, said he "thinks that the actor is in serious trouble."
People close to Sheen have come foward, expressing their concerns for the actor. A source according to said " It's been a non-stop party for of drugs and hookers since Charlie got home. His handlers have no idea how to stop him. He is completley out of control. No one can get through to him." However, there is one person who feels that they can help out Charlie through this timoltuous time in his life. His father, Martin Sheen, who has gone through many of the same problems himself. Martin, therefore has staged an intervention to get his son into rehab. Martin who is a former alcoholic told the New York Post: "You have to seperate him from that environment, from the people that he's around."
All of this cause for concern stems from an incident earlier in the week when security was called to his New York City suite, where he became enraged after he could not find his $170,000 dollar watch or his wallet to pay porn star Christina Walsh her escort fee. Sheen reportedly became so enraged that he trashed the room looking for it. The post also reported " When one of his assistants opened the door, their was Charlie standing their naked with cocaine all over his face! He was dillusional and just completley lost. Totally out of it."
Charlie Sheen was released from the hospital Tuesday morning, after which, his people called the episode "an allergic reaction to medication." His manager has since released a statement that Charlie was doing fine and is happy to be back to work on the set of Two and a Half Men. We'll see what else is to come of this, whether or not Charlie Sheen will listen to his fathers advice and return to rehab.

Expand your knowledge:
More on Charlie


Mike said...

Good article and use of quotes.

What amazes me about Sheen's situation is that no matter what he does CBS continues to throw millions of dollars at him for "Two and a Half Men." At least Lindsay Lohan is somewhat being punished by Hollywood and is out of work.

The one thing you may want to be careful of is making sure you are writing an unbiased news story. The lead and the use of "we" could be perceived as being more like blog writing.

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