Tuesday, November 9, 2010

loco 4 loko

Brian Brabazon

New Rochelle, NY-- Four Loko dubbed by some as "blackout in a can", has found its way on to college campuses all around the country. And is being blamed for crazy college parties resulting in dozens of underage drinkers being hauled off to the emergency room as a result of the drink. If the effects are so obvious then why go through all of the trouble to get this high energy/ alcoholic drink? Some say that because of it's low cost, in most states cans can be sold for approximately $2.50, other states have sold the drink for $1.99. Others believe the drink has become such a popular commodity amongst college students because of the effects that ensue after drinking a Four Loko.

One college student, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed "the drink gives you energy, and prevents you from crashing, while at the same time still providing you with the same inebriating effects of alcohol." Phusion Products, the company who makes and distributes Four Loko recently came out with a statement saying "people have safely combined caffeine and alcohol for years in the form of rum and colas, Red Bull and vodkas and Irish coffees."

Nine students were hospitalized at Central Washington University on October 8th due to the effects of the drink. Therefore prompting the college to ban the drink on campus. Other Universities have followed as well, such as Rampo College in New Jersey, and the University of Rhode Island.

In large part, these beverages are a combination of very strong stimulants with alcohol as somebody drinks them; the effects of the alcohol get masked. Students, therefore, can over consume and go beyond their limit and not realize it. One source, a senior at Iona College said "If you understand your own limits, Four Loko is no different than any other alcohol."

As a result of recent incidents with 4 loko, also with senator Chuck Schumer heading a campiagn to ban 4 loko. All shipments to New York State will not go past November 19th, with the final date to sell 4 lokos December 10th 2010. It will be interesting to see what new drinks appear on the market as a result of this. Will kids just find a new brand of a high energy/ alcoholic drink to substitute for 4 loko? We will find out.

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